Monthly Archives: October 2013

Life at Home

I was very lucky in the placement process. Not only do I have indoor plumbing and internet at home, but a fabulous host family as well. We live in a fourth-floor walk-up in the Soviet part of town, down the hill from the older part of Telavi. My room faces north, so I spend hours […]

From Here to There

I spend a good deal of time each week moving between places. My walk to school is short, but my weekend excursions require hours in transit. Tbilisi is the closest real city, and even the closer towns are at least 30 kilometers away. Thankfully, it’s easy to get from place to place without a car. […]


The main attraction this week was Tbilisi, where the city was celebrated, as it is each year, with a festival centered around the harvest. Tbilisoba filled the center of the old city with music and dancing, grape crushing, every seasonal crop imaginable, and an absurd number of Russian tourists. To get there, we had to […]

The Wedding

This past weekend has been one of the stranger ones. I never expected to have such a full social calendar here, but suddenly I find my self busier than I’ve been in quite a while. And since I am in Georgia, it’s been less of a schedule and more of a series of last-minute events […]